Friday, January 2, 2009


Happy 2009!! That is so crazy to me...last year flew by! 2008 was one of the best years for me, so I'm really excited to see what 2009 will bring. Obviously I have ALOT to be excited about and look forward to!! Jake and I were talking about our New Years resolutions yesterday morning...

1. Get in better shape. I don't necessary need to lose any weight, but I REALLY need to tone up and get healthier. I need to overhaul my diet, cut out the crap and eat smaller portions. I need to join a gym and go at least 5 days a week and get in a good hard workout. I want buff arms for my wedding day and a flat stomach for my honeymoon!

2. Spend more time training Spencer. We've realized that while she is a good dog and she does behave most of the time, we do let her get away with too much bad stuff. We want to hire a trainer to come to the house and tell us what we are doing wrong and how to fix it. We need to be more consistant and really correct her mistakes. We need to look past her cute puppy eyes and actually say "no!" and mean it!!

3. Start going to church regularly. We're starting this Sunday and I want to try and make it at least 3 Sundays a month. This is selfish, but it goes along with the church thing - find a pastor to marry us!!

4. Learn to relax more, not freak out about so much stuff and calm down with my cleaning regimen. I've had a few crazy moments this year in regards to cleanliness with the house and I really need to take a deep breath and realize that it just does not matter if the house isn't spotless. I typically spend at least an hour each day cleaning (sweeping, vaccuming, wiping down counters, etc) and I want to try to cut back on that. I really don't need to spend so much of my life cleaning. I also need to let Jake help me more around the house, instead of wanting to do everything myself.

So those are my resolutions and I really hope I can stick to them!! What are your resolutions? Do you usually keep them throughout the year?

Also - with it now being 2009, I'm now in super wedding mode!! Expect a lot of wedding posts in the near future!!


Anonymous said...

i was just telling my husband how if i let myself, i could get totally obsessed with cleaning! i got crazy about it yesterday and couldn't stop! congratulations on your wedding and i loved the save the dates!

Lulu said...

Great resolutions!!

QueenBeeSwain said...

it's hard to relax, isn't it?! I'm with you on the going to church more bit. I went for all of the Advent masses on Sunday leading up to Christmas and it was actually pretty enjoyable.

kick some rear!


Sandra said...

I know how you feel about the cleaning thing... I was the same way. Hire a housekeeper! I am being totally serious. I don't have one now because I am retired/kids are grown and gone. But - I did have one. Best $$$ ever spent!!

2 Little Irish Boys said...

I thought I was doing good with my church resolution of at least 2 Sundays. You've got me beat with 3-course, I have a 6month old and a 3 yr old. Hopefully, we can swing 3!!

Silvia said...

Your resolutions sound pretty much like mine. 2008 was not a very good year and the start of a new year gives me some hope and an energy boost.Knowing that a new year is here I too am in super wedding mode, I want to get everything done ASAP! Here's to our resolutions!

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