Thursday, October 22, 2009

Traylor Papers!

I saw this on a couple of really cute blogs so I thought I would do it too!!
"Send us an email to with your name & address and we'll send you a free customized card with your name. Tell us your favorite colors and/or style (i.e., whimsical, classic, girly..., etc.) and we'll try to make you a match ;) BONUS: post this offer on your blog or wall, send us a link and we'll send you a few extra! Good thru 10/28/09!"

Here's some that I LOVE:

They have SUCH cute stuff - I will definitely be ordering from them in the future! I've been on the hunt for cute Christmas cards!


Red and White Preppy said...

I have the pineapple set and LOVE them :)

Lisa said...

Mandy (from Swagger Gifts - and Southern Sass is doing some REALLY cute holiday cards this year and has a ridiuclously good price on them right now. - Check them out, she'll ship them to ya, and is great with email for sending your pictures, etc.!

QueenBeeSwain said...

these look incredible and I'm going to have to check them out!


Erin said...

Got mine in the mail today! Adorable!

Lisa Traylor said...

Thanks for the post, Kimberly! Your cute cards are on their way to you in the mail...hope you like them :) Lisa

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