Due Date: May 27, 2012
How Big is Baby: The baby is the size of a head of cabbage. We had an ultrasound on Friday and they estimate the little man is weighing in around 3 pounds, 5 ounces. Wowza!
Symptoms: I don't really have symptoms per se. When I started the 3rd trimester a few weeks ago all the sudden, I started getting a little bit more uncomfortable than I have been. My fingers a slightly swollen (goodbye wedding rings!) and I'm having to take more breaks throughout the day. But overall I still feel really really good!
Cravings: Not really anything
Sleep: Sucks - this is the one thing that's been horrible for the entire pregnancy and it's worse now. I'm getting up 2 times a night to pee, plus I have pregnancy insomnia, so it's hard to fall back asleep. There's definitely been some nights where I get up at 3am and watch TV for a few hours.
I Can't Live Without: pillows to prop my feet up when I'm on the couch, my ginormous water bottle and maternity yoga pants.
I Miss: Sushi and not having to be the DD every time we go out.
I am Looking Forward to: My baby showers! One is this coming weekend and the other is the weekend after that!
Milestones: Making tons of nursery progress, getting into the "30's" and still feeling generally great overall!
Exercise: Still working out, pretty much every day. I'm actually still running, but definitely going sloooow. It's also funny because I can't make it 30 minutes on the elliptical without having to get off to go pee at least once.
Diet: Luckily, this boy loves SALADS! And veggies. And fruit. I'm still hitting up the Whole Foods Salad bar once a week. While it's an expensive craving, I'm glad it's healthier than McDonalds! No sweet tooth at all - hopefully that stays away after he's born!
Movement: Baby Boy moves a ton. He has his active times a day - normally around 9am after I eat breakfast, again around 4pm and then usually from 9pm - 11pm. I am curious to see if these are his active times when he gets out.
Labor Signs- No, thank god! At our ultrasound, the doctor was very excited to tell me that I'm "Long and Closed" which is good for 30 weeks. Let's just hope we don't get that same report at 40 weeks!
Gender: It's a boy!
You look gorgeous! Here's to 30 weeks! The last 10 weeks will fly and drag by! I can't wait to see your nursery!!
You look SO amazing! Love that pic :) Congratulations on only 10 weeks to go!
You are SO cute!
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