My mom and I have been working on my something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. Here's what we have so far:
Something old:
Lace from my mom's wedding dress. I don't have any pictures yet, but my mom's dress has the MOST amazing lace trim and we will be removing it to add it to the wrap on my bouquet! It's sort of scallopy and even has sort of like a pom pom trim...not really sure how to describe it, but it's so pretty! I'll take pics soon.
Something new:
My dress, shoes and jewelry. A pretty boring something new, but that's all I got. I still haven't found my shoes yet, but I think I did find earrings:

Still need a bracelet though....I'm on the hunt!
Something borrowed:
This is the one that makes me so emotional. I'm borrowing my aunts wedding veil, from 1968. Not only is it absolutely perfect, it also has lace on it from my grandmother's wedding...from 1949! My aunt added some of her lace to her veil and kept it wonderfully preserved. It's a very basic fingertip length veil and the lace is just around the bottom edge. Pictures to come!
Something blue:
A monogrammed insert swatch in baby blue. We are using another section of my mom's wedding dress for the swatch, and then my other aunt is going to embroider my new monogram and the wedding date on it, then sew it into the back of my dress, like this one:

What are/were your 4 special things?