Immediately after the ceremony, our bridal party went and had a quick toast - then it was time to party!
(all photos by egomedia photography)
Life, Love and Pacifiers
Immediately after the ceremony, our bridal party went and had a quick toast - then it was time to party!
(all photos by egomedia photography)
Anyways, the first weekend it was warm here, I got the brilliant idea that we needed to pull out the azaleas and replant something else there. J was actually working all weekend, so I told him that I would handle the whole project on my own. Here's how our conversation went:
Me: I'm going to rip out all of those azaleas this weekend while you are working so we can start planting something else and make a nice garden.
J: That's a really huge project, you won't be able to do that all on your own.
Me: Yes I will - I'm a beast with clippers.
J: No way - you have no idea how to dig out stumps, plus they probably weigh like 100 pounds each.
Me: I'm doing it...you will be coming home to a completely different looking house!
Needless to say, as soon as I started cutting the branches, I realized this project was WAY over my head and I would never be able to do it all myself. I did manage to take clippers to all the branches and trimmed all the plants back to small stumps. I was very proud of my progress.
J got home later that afternoon and even he agreed he was impressed by how much I had done. However, the hard part was still ahead - pulling those 4 stumps out of the ground. We quickly realized that these probably 20+ year old plants were definitely going to put up a fight to be dug up. That led us to one simple resolution: The Jeep.
Yes, we used J's Jeep Cherokee and rope to pull out all 4 stumps. Unfortunately, I have no pictures of this undertaking, because I was laughing too hard to hold my camera. Let's just say it involved me laughing, J cursing and lots and lots of rope. Probably about 50 different attempts to get all of them.
BUT we now have an adorable and tidy start to a little garden! We have planted 3 small spruce trees so far and I LOVE them. We also mulched the area, which made a huge difference. We obviously still have alot of work to do, as far as more things being planted and also adding a small rock wall around the garden to finish it off. I can't get over how much it changed the front of the house and made it look so much better. A little elbow grease and hard work majorly paid off!
Here are a few afters:
I tried to take a picture at the same angle that the MLS picture was taken. Also - we have painted our front door red (which is a whole post in itself!). We still desperately need to re-paint our shutters - they are so faded!
Closer shot of the trees. They are tiny now, but they should grow to be about 4-6'. I sort of like how little they look now. We want to eventually rip out all of the "grass" and turn that entire section into a garden. An added bonus from ripping out the azaleas - we found a 2nd water spicket hidden behind them! Yay for having running water in the front of our house!
So that's our story of the azaleas. So happy they are gone!
The indiviual containers of the 2% Fage yogurt with the seperate small compartment of honey! OMG! Adding the honey to the yogurt made it DELICIOUS! It totally cut out the bitter taste that I hate. I ate it mixed in with some fresh strawberries and it was seriously the most refreshing thing I've had in a while!
However, the 2% Fage is not exactly the world's most low-calorie snack...it has 180 calories and 2.5 grams of fat in just that small little cup (but it does contain 10 big grams of protien - awesome!). So I think I'm going to start buying the larger containers of the Fage that are 0% fat, as that cuts the calories in half, and then just adding my own honey to it. I'd also like to start mixing in granola to add some texture and crunch in addition to the berries. This is definitely going to become my new spring and summer snack!
Is anyone else in love with Greek yogurt? If you haven't tried it, I would highly recommend it!