Monday, June 20, 2011

The Kitchen: Current State

Things are in high gear and we are making more progress. We're basically at Home Depot's mercy at this point, waiting for our countertops to be templated and then ordered. But here's a quick sneak peak at what you would see in the kitchen if you came over...Cabinets! Microwave! Finished floors! And you can't see it from this picture, but the fridge is in it's permanent spot and the water/ice has been hooked back up!

Hopefully the stove will go back in this week. We ordered amazing cabinet knobs and pulls from Ebay and they should be here Thursday. I think they will really make the cabinets look finished and I can't wait to see them! I also have 2 special projects to share - hopefully I'll be blogging about one of them this week.

We're in the home stretch!


KatiePerk said...

Good job! So exciting!

Anonymous said...

Wow! The progress you've made is great!

Always Organizing said...

Looking good! Can't wait to see the finished product.

Anonymous said...

As the saying goes, "So far, so good!"

Good luck -

♡ Mrs. BSK {Preppy Wife Preppy Life} said...

Cute liners! I can't wait to see the finished product!! (:

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