This is currently being sold at Gap for $69.50. Seriously? Is this in style? A jean overall dress? For $70?? I feel like you can go down to your local Goodwill and pick up one of these exact same dresses for about $5.
In my opinion, overalls are never a good idea (unless you are an actual farmer, or 3 years old), and making it into a dress is even worse. Sure, I may have rocked something similar in 1991 when I was in the 7th grade, with slouch socks and keds with no laces. But in 2010, are we really going to be seeing this horrific thing come back in style? I just got on board with the whole cotton romper thing (I still think they are pretty ugly and unflattering to most people), but I cannot support this "trend".
Also, on the Gap website, this dress actually has 7 excellent 5 star reviews! So 7 people have purchased and LIKED this thing! They go on and on about how much they love it. That seriously blows my mind!
So am I that much out of the fashion loop that this is seriously popular now, or am I right in thinking this is hideous?
I agree- its hideous!
Agreed! So true!
I'm on the same boat as you. Except I probably wore mine with the 2 pairs of socks (coordinating colors, of course) and construction boots
Oh no! Guess I should return mine? Kidding (thank goodness!). Wow, that's bad...although I do know a few people who could probably pull it off - they're all under the age of 5.
You are definitely not out of the fashion loop! Apparently Gap is. shiver.
Yeah no. That's awful. And if that's our fashion future..I don't want any part of it!
Yikes!!! I haven't worn overalls in YEARS and I don't plan to start back anytime soon!!
Oh My Goodnes!! I cant help but to laugh at that outfit!
Who knew Gap was trying to re-vamp an old trend....maybe they just had a surplus of denim....bleck!
Horrible!! Why on earth would anyone want to go back to 7th grade??
No one can make this cool again.
Woah! What were they thinking!?
I'm 100% with you. It's awful! What in the world were they thinking?
I saw this the other day. Overalls are never a good look for someone over the age of 2.
You are completely right, these are hideous!Overalls are NEVER a good idea.
AWFUL! I saw them in Gap yesterday. I actually loved the boyfriend style jeans there but they were over $80...!
Meh, I agree. This is totally ridiculous.
Sick. That is the only word I have to describe those.
P.S. Got my reservations all made for C's wedding and Bf and I will be coming down on Friday! Can't wait to see you and everyone. Bekah filled me in on some details :)
Ughhh, I'm having bad bad flashbacks. I went to a private Christian school for 12 years and had to wear skirts below our knees... this was something I never wanted to see again.
You are so right, that outfit is sooo wrong!
So true!!!!!! lovely........!
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