Friday, August 14, 2009

Tired Friday

First, I had another (my 8th!) personal training session this morning at 7am. It was so tempting to take a shower and crawl back into bed afterwards. Good lord he kicked my butt today. He even said "geez, I really do think I'm tiring you out, you look awful" - lovely! He really does see me at my worst (covered in sweat, no make up, gross outfits). I told him that I was going to bring in pictures from the wedding once we're back from Aruba and that he probably wouldn't recognize me with make up and dressed up!

I am definitely starting to feel and look stronger. My MOH K came over last night and I was trying on dresses for upcoming wedding events and she commented on my abs! WOO HOO! I've also been tanning a bunch and that always helps make me feel and look skinnier (totally a mood booster, even if it is horrible for your skin!)

I'm working ALL weekend (3 weddings here, Saturday AND Sunday) so that's sort of a bummer. I'll be off next Monday and Tuesday to make up for it though, and I plan on taking Tuesday as my "no wedding" day - I'm not doing or thinking about the wedding all day. Just relaxing and enjoying the day with no stress. We're at 22 days and I refuse to freak out!!

Happy Friday!


Hailey HRH said...

my mom has always said "tan fat is better than white fat" hahaa! its true!

22 days - giiiirl you are getting close! so exciting.

Headbands and Hand Bags said...

Hang in there with your busy weekend, and way to stick with the trainer!!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

I totally agree that being tan makes you feel healthier...and thinner. Even if it's damaging....I'm guilty as charged.

Irwin Esq said...

wow sounds like the personal training will be totally worth it in the end!!!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you have one busy weekend!! That is so awesome about the workouts!! = )

The Pink Chick said...

I must go get a tan immediately! :)

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