Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So Sweet!

The nicest thing happened to me today. I had a final meeting with my bride for this weekend and her mom. When I went out to greet them, the bride was standing there with a large bouquet of gorgeous flowers, in a box. They explained that they brought me the flowers to say thank you for all of my work on their wedding this past year. I was so touched, as the flowers were all in yellow and green (my wedding colors). The bride told me that in the box, the flowers were in a vase, but they put them in a box for easy transport.

Well, after they left from their appointment and I went back to my office, I took the box off the bottom of the flowers and saw this:

The beautiful Kate Spade "Larabee Dot" vase from our wedding registry!! I couldn't believe it! They purchased the vase, and then had the floral arrangement made in for it! I was so touched that I started crying! I'm just so blown away at how thoughtful and nice people are. They obviously already knew I was engaged, but they took the time to go to our registry and find the vase and then have the flowers done in our wedding colors! They had even tied a navy ribbon around the vase to bring that color in as well...just so sweet!
It totally made my day and I can't stop smiling! Enjoy this sunny Tuesday!!


MCW said...

That is so sweet and so thoughful. It must mean you do an amazing job! They could have used someone like you at the wedding I was at this weekend. The arbor under where they got married had DEAD flowers on it!

Posh Peach said...

That is just the sweetest thing!! I bet the vase and flowers are so beautiful, and in your wedding colors! That is so thoughtful. Of course they are lucky to have you :) So glad that made your day! Ohh I just may check out your registry now, I bet you have such great things!

Ashley said...

Wow, that is too sweet!

Wila (aka Ali) said...

That vase is beautiful. How wonderful that they recognized your hardwork and dedication! :-) I'm so glad you had that wonderful thing happen...sometimes the littlest things can make the sun shine brighter.

Kelly said...

That is really nice. You must have really helped her!

Brittany Ann said...

Wow! That is so kind! People like this just warm my heart and make me feel better about the world!

Sandra said...

How wonderful. So nice to see that there are still people in the world like that!!

Always Organizing said...

Such a sweet and thoughtful gift! You have obviously made a real difference in their wedding planning! How nice!

Jules said...

That is so sweet and very thoughtful! I love that vase from Kate Spade...it is so pretty.

I like hearing stories like this. It reminds me of the goodness people have in their hearts!

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