Tuesday, February 12, 2013

8 months!

Another slacker mommy update that's coming almost 2 weeks late, but P-man is now 8 months old. That seems awfully close to being 1 year old...can time please slow down now??

Likes: cruising between furniture, walking/running with his push walker, speed crawling, eating, looking outside through the sliding glass door, Spencer, bath time, heating vent covers (yes, my kid is weird), drinking out of his sippy cup, getting in the middle of everything and exploring every single object in the house.

Dislikes: diaper changes, getting dressed, sitting still for more than 5 seconds

Milestones: He's taken a few unassisted steps and can basically run when using his push walker. He cruises between furniture like it's no big deal and pulls up on every.single.thing he can find.

Eating: As I talked about in my last post, Pres pretty much eats anything you put in front of him. He has a huge appetite and can easily eat a normal sized portion of whatever we are eating. Still loving bananas, peaches and puffs. He's also figured out he can feed Spencer from his highchair, so that's his newest meal time trick. She's obviously a big fan.

Schedule: Baby Boy has dropped a bottle, so he's drinking 4 eight ounce bottles a day. At daycare, they put all his formula into a sippy cup but we do a morning and bedtime bottle at home. He's still sleeping through the night most nights and is in bed by 7pm. He's been waking up anywhere from 5:30am (yuck) to 7:00am (yay). If he's home, we can usually get 2-3 good naps (2 to 2.5 hours each) from him. At daycare, he'll take 2 naps that are each about an hour long.

Personality: This has been a very giggly month. He's still a pretty serious guy, especially when he's focused on figuring something out or really into a toy. But he's not the kind of baby who grins at strangers or is super smiley in a new place - he takes a while to warm up. But at home and at daycare, he's pretty much laughing the entire time. My favorite time of the day is when Jake gets home from work and Preston hears his voice and then sees him walk in - he speed crawls over to him with the biggest grin and giggle. It makes my heart explode in a million pieces.

Other Development: We had our first bout of real sickness this month (pretty happy we made it all the way to 8 months without being too sick). Pres currently has a double ear infection that moved to his lungs, so we're currently doing nebulizer breathing treatments to help out with his wheezing. He started on amoxicillan to treat the ear infection and after taking it for 3 days, we learned he was allergic to the medicine thanks to an all over body rash. So it's been a rough few weeks, but we're hoping to turn the corner and get healthy soon.

I also think he's working on his two upper teeth because he's a bit crankier than normal and chewing on everything in sight. His babbling with consonants has really picked up and I think he's starting to associate words with objects, mainly ball and dog. He says those two words (baaaa and daaaa) when he sees them which is pretty cool. Still working on sign language, but he normally just grunts or screams when he wants our attention or when we ask him a question - a typical man haha!
I can't believe he's almost 9 months old - this entire year has flown by in the blink of an eye. Every day is fun (and challenging!) and I love seeing what new things he learns and does. Preston, I love you to the moon and back little boy!

1 comment:

  1. He looks so much older this month-more hair? He reminds me so much of my nephew in the activity/personality. Boys on the go!

    I think they'll definitely both be walking before their first birthdays!
