Saturday, May 5, 2012

Irony is...

You take your finished natural, med-free birth plan to your 36 week check up with your midwives, along with a list of questions about labor and delivery without drugs and how long you should labor at home, only to discover that Baby Boy is camped out and very comfortable in the frank breech position.

So instead of discussing your birth plan, you schedule a c-section and get sent home with a list of home remedies to try and convince your stubborn son to flip over. You will be getting very closely acquainted with your ironing board over the next 2 weeks for such fun exercises as the "Breech tilt"

 It's really not as uncomfortable as it looks!

Baby Boy also gets the pleasure of having frozen edamame on his head several times a day - he's not a fan!
 Instagramming at the chiropractors office! I'm letting her align my pelvis several times a week in hopes it allows the kiddo to find more room down there and get his head into position.
So that's where we are right now - a baby who loves being breech and a c-section on the books for 2.5 weeks from now. It can always be cancelled if he does decide to behave and I'm holding out hope that he gets his act together! In the meantime, any stories of a late term breech baby flipping or if you'd like to share how WONDERFUL your scheduled c-section was, I would appreciate them!!


  1. don't fret pet! the goal is to get him here safe and sound! I had a scheduled induction and it was great to know her arrival date! So think of that as a plus if he remains turned. He will be here so soon!!

  2. You can go to a pool and do a handstand or you can try to hang upside down on monkey bars. That's all I've heard. UGH...hate that you have to have one, but him getting here safe is the most important obviously!

  3. Wish I could give you some advice!! Hope it works out the way you want it - but either way, I'm sure it will be amazing! :)

  4. I had such a great experience with my scheduled c- section that I insisted on another with my second! My daughter was also breach. We even tried accuouncture and the external turn - both of which I DO NOT recommend. Having a scheduled C was seriously great - you go in well rested and prepared. Unlike unscheduled c- sections you are not worn out from hours of labor. I was down for exactly one week. Up and feeling no pain exactly one week after. One piece of advise - take the prescribed pain medication as instructed especially the first few days so you are on top of the pain. Don't let the scar scare you - mine is a thin white line and barely noticeable. Start your check list now and in 2 weeks you will be ready and excited to meet your baby exactly 30 minutes after your surgery begins!

  5. Hey there!! The doula at our birth class told us that getting on all fours on our hands and knees (as if scrubbing a floor) can help to move the baby into position.

    My doc also said that they can try to manually turn a baby in their office, which works about 70% of the time. I had asked about little guy's positioning early on and that is what I was told. Best of luck to you on a quick and healthy delivery!!!! I will be thinking of you!

  6. My little man was breech up until the day I went in for my scheduled c-section.. lol.. We went in on December 16th, and had a surgery time of 7:00 am.. They wanted to do an ultrasound just to make sure he was still breech and check his positioning.. Low and behold he HAD flipped.. I was sitting on the couch the day before and felt the most awkward feeling, and my stomach actually looked like he WAS flipping.. My husband watched, and couldn't believe it.. Sure enough, he decided to flip at the last minute.. I got a big birthing ball, and rolled around and bounced on it for weeks trying to get him to flip.. Try that ;) Don't lose hope just yet.. It def CAN happen!!! Good luck!!!
