Monday, April 30, 2012

Hanging around...

This is what life looks like right now

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Current State of the Nursery

So we're at the magical 35/35 mark today - 35 weeks pregnant and 35 days to go. Things just got real people! A MONTH!?!?! Yikes! We've been trudging along on house and nursery projects and crossing things off my list (which makes me a very happy mommy-to-be!)

Here's the current state of the nursery - these are NOT "after" pics...there is definitely still work that needs to be done, but I'm happy that most of the big projects are done and there's just some organization and last minute touches to add.

 Baby Boy's monogram will go above the crib, but since we're not sharing his name (or even his initials) until he's born, the panels I made are currently hidden underneath the crib and will be hung once he's here. Oh and definitely need to install that car seat this week!
 Curtains that I "made" - I bought the navy black out curtains from Target and then added the yellow chevron to the bottom. The side table next to the rocker still needs a coat of paint - either yellow or white!
 Both curtain panels and the large armoire that my dad actually built. I love all the extra storage. We need to get a small mirror to hang on the front where that white space is. The bookcase is a Pottery Barn knockoff from Target ($50!)
 Our craigslist dresser turned changing table. The basket next to it is for laundry and it has the cutest chalkboard label.
 Close up of the changing table set up. I made a pinwheel mobile (if I get motivated, I will post a tutorial!) and it came out pretty cute.
 Another view of the rocker and curtains
My free printable art! I found all 3 of these for free, downloaded and printed them and popped them into $5 Michael's frame. Love a $15 custom art project!

So that's what Baby Boy's nursery looks like right now - I feel pretty good about it since only a week ago, it was pure chaos. All his clothes/blankets/towels are all washed and organized in the dresser and closet. I love seeing our list shrink as we count the days until little man's arrival!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Skirting the issue

I think pregnancy brings out the cheeseball in me - sorry for yet another cheesy blog title! But today we're talking about the crib skirt for baby boy's nursery. I am a VERY beginner sewer - basically straight lines are the extent of my sewing skills. But I really wanted to sew a crib skirt for the crib and I figured it was straight lines, so I should be ok with it. I found a ton of tutorials online and it seemed like the easiest thing to do was make the panels and then use sticky velcro to attach each panel to the metal frame on the crib. Easy peasy, right?

Maybe it was the math/measuring that threw me off, but for some reason, this project was HARD. Math is not my strong suit and I had a hard time figuring out my dimensions while trying to reach through the slats on the crib. I'm not going to lie, halfway through this project, I may have googled "yellow chevron crib skirt" on etsy to see how much it would be for me to just throw in the towel and order one. But I pressed on and just decided that it didn't need to be perfect, and as long as it fit and didn't look completely horrible, I would just go with it.

So there is no tutorial to go along with these pictures, because this was a true Tim Gunn "Make it Work" project. 
  Here's the finished product in all it's glory!
 Close up - I did pom pom trim because I thought it made it look cute and a little more "nursery" since the chevron is sort of an adult pattern.
 And here's the sailboat sheets that I LOVE! The sage green matches the walls perfectly - that was obviously totally planned! ha!

In the effort to "keep it real", here's what the nursery looks like right now. Yikes - this weekend's agenda is to start the laundry and get organized!

I'm attempting to sew the curtains this weekend and I'm anticipating that this project should *hopefully* go a lot smoother! Wish me luck!

Monday, April 2, 2012

32 weeks...

So we've hit the 8 month mark and now the final countdown has begun - 8 weeks or less. I'm actually surprisingly calm most of the time, but I did tell J that I will be starting my list making this week so we can figure out what we still need to do.

Due Date: May 27, 2012

How Big is Baby: Depending on the source, either a jicama or a squash. I feel like those 2 things are really not that similar in size, so I'm confused, but whatever. Apparently he weights about 3.8 pounds and is 16 inches long.

Symptoms: I have noticed more heartburn this week, but that's pretty much it.

Cravings: Not really anything. I have been eating grilled cheese and pickle sandwiches this week that taste pretty darn fantastic though.

Sleep: Ehhh, I don't want to jinx myself, but it may have actually gotten better recently. I'm still pretty comfortable so I fall asleep pretty easily and I can turn over to each side without too much of a struggle yet. It's mainly just the fact that I seem to wake up at 6am no matter what day it is, so I'm taking naps on Saturdays and Sundays to make up for the super early wake up.

I Can't Live Without: my trusty Sigg Water bottle (my constant companion) and super long v-neck t-shirts from Target -- I have them in every color and honestly I wear one every single day. They work for the gym, hanging out around the house and I can dress them up a bit with jewelry if we go out to dinner. 

I Miss: Now that the weather is nice, I'm really missing being able to go for a long run outside. I see all these people running through our neighborhood and I get super jealous. I just want to run and get really sweaty and feel great afterwards.

I am Looking Forward to: Trying to enjoy these last 2 months of pregnancy and then meeting this baby!

Milestones:  We've had both our baby showers now, so we have more baby stuff than we know what to do with. I did re-organize his closet this weekend and nursery progress continues

Exercise: Still trucking along at the gym 4-5 times a week and running about 3-4 miles a week. I only run about 1 mile at a time (broken up into run/walk intervals) and it's super slow...almost like a wog (walk/jog) pace.  But I want to keep going as long as I can so I can get back to running after he's born. Also doing light weights for my upper body and still doing my yoga DVD.

Diet: No difference - I'm still just eating my normal diet. Haven't noticed any changes in hunger.

Movement: It's getting sort of weird cause I guess he's running out of space. Not really kicking anymore, now it's just rolling and nudges, especially in my ribs. Oh and he gets the hiccups several times a day, which is cool and weird at the same time!

Labor Signs- No thank you!

Gender: It's a boy!

 This picture is actually from 31 weeks (taken the day of my family baby shower) last week, but we haven't downloaded my pics from this week yet. I look basically exactly like this still ha!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

No Foolin'

It's April 1st, so that means we can officially say that the little man will be arriving NEXT MONTH. And that's no joke! (har, har!) Cue freak out mode!

PS - Pregnancy insomnia is wonderful for finishing up those baby shower thank you notes at 5:30am.