Sunday, January 30, 2011

OCD Confessions Sunday

I may or may not have used Jake's super turbo high-powered shop vac to vacuum both sets of stairs today. And it may or may not have been the highlight of my day to see all the gross nastiness come up.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I made one resolution for 2011 - to stop worrying so much about the future and live in the present. I want to just relax and enjoy the wonderful things that are in my life right now! I found this quote recently and it's my mantra for the New Year!

Monday, January 24, 2011

What I've been up to...

I have a lot to update on from the last 6 months, so I think a bullet list is in order!

** We celebrated our 1 year anniversary in September and went to Berkeley Springs, WVA for a long weekend. Sort of random, but we had the best time. We rented a little cabin in the woods, brought our dog and just relaxed. We went on several hikes, played board games, took naps and the best part - got amazing couple massages for our anniversary! Berkeley Springs is known for their spas and hot springs, so we actually got a mineralsprings bath (where you sit in a huge tub of the hot, healing spring water), followed by 1 hour massages. HEAVEN!Us on one of the hikes - Spencer didn't want to cooperate for the picture!Our cabin - I spent ALOT of time in the screened in porch reading and napping!
The top layer of anniversary wedding cake after we ate it all weekend - so yummy!

** My "new" job is going great! I really love it - it such a nice change of pace and having weekends back is incredible. I love the company I'm working for and there's a lot of room for growth, which is always nice. I work M-F from 8am to 4pm and I can honestly say that the lifestyle change to basically have my life back was totally worth any fear that I had over money. I'm making pretty much exactly the same as I was at my old job, so it's not even an issue.

** The house projects! The big project from the fall was a new roof. Not very exciting at all, but very necessary since our roof was 23 years old and in bad shape. Probably the most boring money we've ever spent, but it gives us piece of mind at night when we listen to rain or snow and don't have to worry about leaks! Other house projects in the pipeline - the kitchen!! We've changed our plan for the kitchen and of course, made it into a much bigger project. We were going to just paint cabinets, get new counters, etc. Well now, we're looking at gutting everything, new flooring, new cabinets, counters, lighting, etc. We're still in the very early stages and working on our budget, but we're hoping to have it complete in 2011!

** 2011 is the year that I turn the big 3-0. AHHHHH - seriously, how did this happen?? It's not until October, but I'm seriously already starting to freak out a little bit. BUT I decided that I want to go away someplace tropical for my birthday, so I can feel a little bit better about getting older by sipping a fruity drink poolside. We decided on Puerto Rico!! We just booked our hotel for the long weekend and we started looking at flights. Any recommendations would be highly recommended! We're staying near old San Juan for 5 nights in a resort right on the beach! I want to leave like tomorrow!!

** I've become obsessed with working out. Not going to lie, summer and fall last year were sort of a lazy point in my life and it started to add up. I was in the married life rut of eating out and eating too much. So right around Thanksgiving, I decided to just suck it up and start working out again. It took a while to get into it, but I'm finally addicted and pretty much go to the gym every day. I've even started switching it up with classes and different workouts. I became completely OBSESSED with Bikram yoga (hot yoga) this fall and did it every day for like 3 months. Unfortunately, I can't fit it into my budget in the long term, but I still go sometimes. J and I both got into spinning recently, and go weekly. I'm still in my old standby of running and I'm contemplating signing up for some races this spring.

** Our dog is still doing well - she's 3 now and still has the energy of a puppy! We had a trainer come to the house for a few sessions of behavior work and it really helped! It was like the Dog Whisperer and she definitely trained us more than the dog. ha!

Alright, this post just got super long! Just a few little updates in to what we've been doing the last few months - I have a few more fun updates soon!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

6 month hiatus over?

Is anyone still reading this? Probably not. I really didn't mean to not write anything for 6 months, it just sort of happened. Life got super busy with my new job (that I've now been at for 8 months! craziness!), house projects (new roof! living/dining room completely decorated!) and trips (Florida for a wedding! West Virginia for our anniversary! OBX beach trip for New Years Eve!)

Anyways, I'm venturing back into blogging for 2011! I have a lot of catching up to do, but 2010 was a fabulous year and I'm sure 2011 will be even better. I can't believe we've been married for almost a year and a half - it's seriously flown by. And I'm not a newlywed anymore!!

So if anyone is still reading, welcome back. I will be back soon with updates and fun stuff. And I will be getting better at reading/commenting on other blogs as well!